Creative Expression for Authentic Growth

What happens when…
We quiet the chatter of our minds, and offer our heart a chance to speak?

Self-Expression from your heart is essential to your happiness.
Your heart is your body’s intuitive voice. The heart nudges gently - always directing you towards what you want to be doing. Yet, often, the heart’s wisdom is lost to outer world demands - distractions, schedules, stress… the “should-be-doings”. When we are aligned in what we want and our choices, we feel it in our heart.

How do we quiet the mind to coax our hearts into conversation?
Creativity is the voice of Intuition.Creative-Expression” guides your voice into a space of freer connection. Using visual journaling, “springboard” writing, collage, and contemplative art  — your inner-voice will surprise you, as it reveals what you truly feel. You will quickly re-discover that your Heart houses your body’s clearest voice: your intuition.